More than half of the queries are no longer clicked on, a phenomenon that is amplified if we consider only mobile. Has the SEO world become a clickless world?
If SEO has always been and will remain at the heart of the acquisition strategy of many brands, in recent years this lever has evolved considerably, making analyzes more complex for marketing offices. Has the SEO world become a clickless world?
It is clear that more than half of the requests are no longer clicked on, a phenomenon that is amplified if we consider only mobile.
SEO is dead, long live SEO!
Does it ultimately lead to SEO traffic? The answer is obviously no, but this lever has only adapted to the evolution of Internet users’ research. Indeed, this one no longer wants to click and wants a clear and fast answer. Has the Internet user become lazy? Yes, and it’s a brand problem to answer. Faced with this evolution, search engines have multiplied their response proposals: multiplication of formats, some will be clicked on and some will not, and this constitutes an opportunity if we know how to adapt.
Darwinism in SEO?
In the wake of this evolution, SEO is no longer confined to its initial “traffic at all costs” goals. SEO has matured and its winning formula has now changed. To respond to this, brands have two main strategies at their disposal. From a pure traffic strategy, it is now necessary to develop a presence strategy. What is the big difference between these two strategies?
One will take you on a “traffic at all costs” strategy by focusing only on traffic words. This way you will dangerously lose a lot of expectations from your potential customers. Historical, comfortable even reassuring but above all dangerous. By no longer talking to your potential customers, you end up losing them.
The second strategy is more refined and complete: define all the answers your potential customers are looking for, some will click, some won’t. This is the new deal and, rather than rejecting it, it can turn into a real strategic opportunity. This is called presence strategy and its challenge goes beyond the click: it obviously includes traffic, but also awareness and reassurance for the brand.
Contrary to the first strategy, this one has much more future, therefore also your brand.
It’s up to you: make Google your best friend or your worst enemy
It’s an engaging choice that deserves reflection since in the end it boils down to answering the following question: can I afford not to be present with 80% of my prospects… because 80% of searches start from search engines. Responding negatively means making Google your ally. Its goal remains the same as yours – to satisfy the Internet user. And he, on this lever, knows how to do it.
Beyond words, we must act (quickly) and implement this strategy of presence. But act quickly and on what?
Got the 0 positions (the holy grail), that format that embeds the answer into the result? If so, congratulations, you’re getting ahead of the space, working on your authority and notoriety. Otherwise… goodbye to voice search and the world of tomorrow.
And the “People Also Ask” (for simplicity we will call them the second place of Positions 0). Neither ? It may be that you rightly focus everything on the SEO-SEA synergy; it’s a great choice for capturing awareness and traffic. But it won’t be enough to answer everyone. You will also need these famous and indispensable “Rich Snippets” which allow, among other things, to respond to local searches (over 50% of searches, it is not to be overlooked!).
And then there are all these emerging formats, full of future, very trendy and that allow you to “rank faster”: videos, podcasts, … but you don’t even have to emerge fast.
In conclusion, SEO continues to properly handle its original role, that of creating traffic to your site. But now he is being given additional objectives that have become important, actively participating in the brand’s notoriety and reassurance.
Google then offers you its ability to develop solutions that, in the end, are for your mutual customers. Those of Google will remain, it’s up to you to choose whether they will remain yours too.
#future #world #clicks
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