Do you have a professional or personal YouTube channel? Want to make it as secure as possible to prevent a hacker from taking over and reducing your efforts to nothing? Here are 6 tips provided by YouTube to better protect your Google Account and your channel.
The protect your YouTube channel first of all it requires the correct security of your Google account (and your Gmail email address).
7 tips to protect your YouTube channel
Here are 7 useful tips for minimize the chances of your YouTube channel being hacked :
Enable safe browsing with advanced protection (if you use Google Chrome as your web browser). By turning on this extra security option, Chrome will send you alerts when your browser detects malware, strange Chrome extensions, unsafe sites, or even phishing attempts. (PS: in relation to this topic, do not hesitate to consult our article on the tools to use to detect if a site is trustworthy).
Protect your Google account. To create a YouTube channel, you need a Google account. To make it as safe as possible, avoid installing Chrome extensions and unknown applications (or from unknown sources) as much as possible. If you don’t use an extension or app, delete them. The more extensions or applications you have active, the greater the risk of security breaches.
Choose a secure password and do not disclose it to anyone. The longer and more complicated your account password is, the harder it will be for hackers to find it. We recommend that you choose a password that is difficult to guess (combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols) and as long as possible.
Update your account recovery information. If Google detects suspicious activity on your primary Google Account, it will send notifications to the recovery address entered in your primary Google Account. So be sure to secure this address as well, and keep your recovery information up-to-date to protect your primary Google account.
Set permissions for your YouTube channel. This happens from the “Settings” page of your dashboard. Check these permissions at regular intervals to verify that the authorized accounts are actually accounts you control. For example, consider deleting temporary access sent to agencies, consultants, or interns. The ideal is to do a quick check every month and only keep administrator rights on your account, because if users who have access to your YouTube channel get hacked, then your channel will be vulnerable.
Enable multi-factor authentication (two-step verification). This option allows you to protect your account using a password and an additional device (validating the connection from your mobile phone and the Gmail application, for example).
Secure your Google Adsense account (if you monetize your videos).
If this article was useful to you, do not hesitate to consult our article dedicated to securing an Instagram account from hackers.
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