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PEMD diagnosis: towards January 1?

PEMD diagnosis: towards January 1?
August 23rd 4:39pm 2022 by Anne-Laure Soule

Like Energy Audit, PEMD Diagnosis suffers from severe power-on delay. Initially scheduled for 1 July 2021, then for 1 January 2022, its entry into force could finally take place on 1 January 2023. However, it is on the date mentioned in the draft decree, which is particularly awaited, that the DHUP arrives to submit to public consultation until 12 September.

Operations involved

Article 1 of the project specifies the threshold for the activation of the new PEMD diagnosis (for “products, equipment, materials and waste”) which has been opened to “significant restorations” (in addition to demolitions) with the Decree n. 2021-821 of 25 June 2021. The new diagnosis should therefore concern:

  • Demolitions total or “of a major part of the building”, relating to “more than half of the square footage of the buildings concerned. “.
  • The “significant renovations” consisting in the “destruction or replacement (…) of more than half of the floor area” of two of the finishing elements mentioned in the decree: floors and partitions that do not determine the resistance or rigidity of the work, fixtures, walls internal partitions, plumbing systems, electrical systems, heating systems.

Cerfa modules available

Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the draft decree specify the procedure for the transmission of information from the diagnoses and verification forms (by e-mail to or through a dedicated platform) and refer to the long-awaited Cerfa documents, contained in the appendix to the ordinance. Two explanatory notes are also provided.

Reminder: The essential skills to get started

The PEMD diagnosis, required by the Agec law, can be performed by trained real estate diagnosticians or with experience in the sector. The skills required are listed in the decree n.2021-822 of 25 June 2021: a natural person of the company will be required dual skills in waste prevention and management AND in building techniques or construction economics. With three possible justifications: three years experience as a construction engineer or supervisor, a bac+2 diploma (or equivalent training or qualifying), or “any evidence of equivalent knowledge”.
It is also required to take out an insurance policy to cover “the financial consequences of a commitment of his responsibility due to his missions and whose amount of the guarantee cannot be less than 300,000 euros per claim and 500,000 euros per year of insurance”.
