Google said on Friday it would challenge the Indian antitrust ruling but would work with authorities to find a solution. The answer comes after India’s Supreme Court rejected Google’s request to block an antitrust order and gave them a week to comply with guidance from the Indian Competition Commission. The move could potentially change the way Google does business in India’s important overseas market.
The case will now go to the National Appellate Tribunal for Company Law (NCLAT), where Google had not previously received any relief. The Supreme Court has ordered NCLAT to make a decision by March 31. If NCLAT fails to reach a decision in Google’s favor this month, the company will have to make several changes to its business practices in India.
India’s Competition Commission (ICC) has ordered Google not to require its Play Store license to be tied to the mandatory installation of several Google apps like Chrome and YouTube. Additionally, Google has been ordered to allow users to remove its apps from their phones and give users the ability to switch search engine providers. The TCC also fined Google $162 million in its first order.
What did Google say about it?
A Google spokesperson said, “We are reviewing the details of yesterday’s decision which is limited to an interim measure and have not decided the merits of our appeal,” they added, “Android has greatly benefited Indian users, developers and OEMs and has played a key role in the digital transformation.We remain committed to our users and partners and will cooperate with the ICC on the way forward, together with our appeal.
What will be the consequences?
India is Google’s largest market in terms of users, with the company investing more than $10 billion in the country over the past decade and amassing more than half a billion monthly active users. . Most of the smartphones in India run on Android. Google has previously warned that if the Indian antitrust watchdog’s decision is accepted, it would lead to an increase in device prices in the South Asian market and an increase in potentially dangerous apps that pose a threat to individual and national security. .
Many Indian startups competing with Google’s services have hailed the Supreme Court ruling. Rohan Verma, CEO of MapmyIndia, expressed his excitement over the decision, saying that Google’s requirement for smartphone vendors to pre-install Google Maps has negatively impacted MapmyIndia’s business.
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